Sunday, November 3, 2013

Not Everything Comes Naturally Anymore

Abstract and Discrete Mathematics...what in the world does that even mean? You would think I would have even the slightest clue seeing as how I am enrolled in that class, but I don't. It's over half way through my first semester of junior year in college and I am beginning to notice that not everything comes naturally to me like it did in previous classes and especially in high school. Math was always one of my strongest areas in school, but now I feel like I can't even grab one concept in this new math class.   It's only going to get harder from here and I don't know what I'm going to do. Going to the teacher for help is like asking for the whole class lecture over again. If I didn't understand the lesson the first time, I'm not going to get it a second time, especially when you don't change the wording of your explanation. There would never be enough paper in this world to write how much this class frustrates me! I loved math and my whole life most everything in school has come very easily to me. I guess that's why I am so frustrated now, I never had to work hard for a good grade and now I have to fight tooth and claw for a "C", if I'm lucky.