Monday, April 28, 2014

Where Has Time Gone?

I used to think that time went so slowly that everyday seemed to last forever. Now that I have gotten older I realize that time is the complete opposite. It goes by so fast. I have been in college for three years now, well almost three. I'm finishing up my Junior semester and will finally be a senior! How crazy is that! I feel like just yesterday I was a freshman just entering college for the first time. I'm actually sad that time is flying by. This semester has been the greatest yet, I have four classes that I love and that I'm doing extremely well in! I don't want them to end. I just filled out my end of the semester teacher evaluations and it's bittersweet. I am happy to be continuing on in my education, but there's a part of me that just wants to stay in this semester forever. But, unfortunately I know that time will not stop for anyone and I think I will be okay with that. I will continue on throughout my life and learn to live every minute because one day those minutes will be gone.